Monday, May 26, 2008

Etiquette Part 2

Somehow my link to Above Rubies didn't get underlined in my last post. Oops! Also, after doing some thinking and researching, I have also added a few of my own Etiquettes throughout the seven I will give you.

Receiving Hospitality Etiquette
  • Take something with you when invited for a meal-either food, flowers, or a little gift.
  • Seek to be an encouragement and blessing to the home you visit. Find out the interests or needs of the people to whom you are visiting and take something to them that would be appropriate to help them or of further interest to them.
  • Show your appreciation verbally and enthusiastically for the hospitality and for the meal your hostess serves you. Thank them again for the hospitality as you leave.
  • If it is a party, do not leave the home until you have sought out and personally thanked both the host and hostess for the evening. It is a lack of common courtesy to leave a home without acknowledging the hosts and thanking them.
  • Find out the names of the children in the family before you arrive. Take an interest in the children too and speak to them by name.
  • If you have received an invitation for a meal, a function, a wedding, birthday party, or shower, answer by letter or phone. If you are unable to attend, it is just as important to RSVP by the required date.
  • If you have consented to attend, make sure you do attend, or let the hosts know if something unforeseen happens. Always keep your word.
  • Try to arrive on the time your hosts have suggested. If you are going to be late, make a quick phone call to let them know.
  • Always reciprocate the hospitality either with a meal out or a meal in your own home, but preferably a meal in your home as it is more conducive to conversation.
  • Do not stay longer than is appropriate. Watch your hosts. If you see they are getting tired (or tiring of you) begin your gracious gratitude and goodbyes. If it is appropriate, pray for your hosts before leaving.
  • If you are on a special diet or are unable to eat certain foods, tell your hostess before coming. This makes it much easier for her to prepare the meal. If you have not informed the hostess, be ready to eat what is prepared for you.
  • Mothers, change dirty diapers away from people's noses, preferably in a room away from the company. Bring something to put the diaper into and take it to the trash can or put it into your diaper bag to take home. Do not leave it hanging around.
  • If it is a small intimate meal, your host and hostess may not want you to help with the dishes. However, if it is a big crowd and there will be a lot of work for the host and hostess, pitch in and help with the dishes. Do not expect to eat, walk out, and leave all the work behind.
  • When you have stayed overnight at someone's home, clean the room when leaving. Take the sheets off the bed, and re-make the bed nicely. You may ask your hostess if she has clean sheets she would like you to put on the bed.
  • Always leave a gift and "thank you" card in the room. Also, write another letter of thanks when you return home to remind them of the things you enjoyed while staying with them.


Joey said...

This must have convicted everyone because no one has anything to say about this!!!