Monday, December 22, 2008

We Made It

Tonight is the two week mark for Libby. She hasn't had any wheat, rice, oats, tomatoes, eggs, cow's products and more. It has been a tough two weeks for me especially trying to find a variety of things she will eat. Like tonight she dissed my creamy corn chowder. I will try again for lunch tomorrow, but it might not be a keeper. We always fall back on goat cheese or apple slices as a last resort.

I am learning to make a lot of my same recipes just using substitutions. Sometimes I simply can't do it though because some of the goat products make me nauseated when heated up. Goat milk and butter are disgusting to smell when hot. I just can't handle the smell. She doesn't seem to mind thank goodness. So like last night, I made chicken spaghetti and made hers separately using quinoa pasta, homemade cream of mushroom soup using goat milk, goat butter, and shredded goat cheese for the top. She loved it!! Yeah...another option. I made ours like I normally do. Her ingredients are pretty costly so I try and use them only for her unless I'm making pancakes then we all eat them. They aren't bad at all.

I now know what other moms go through as they prepare special meals for the special people in their family. It can be a challenge, but I have taken my frustrations to the Lord and my sense of being overwhelmed to Him and He whispered this verse to me. "When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." The Lord has been my Rock, my steady friend, when I have wanted to throw my hands in the air and give up. He has a purpose in this and this time won't be wasted. If nothing else but to share what I have learned with others.

I pray you all have a very Merry Christmas with your families this week. Don't get so busy that you miss out on the blessings.