Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Allergy Update

Today was our fourth visit to the Allergy Relief Center in Frisco. She has been successfully treated for dust, sugar, and grains. Dr. Hassam attempted to treat all of dairy today, but apparently she is REALLY allergic to dairy because she couldn't even treat all the subfractions today without her body holding treatment. She will treat the second half of dairy next week. When I say subfractions, I mean the different parts that make up dairy, such as casein, lactose, etc. I am so thankful she held the grain treatment because Dr. Hassam said sometimes it takes 1-3 treatments before it's all cleared. The Lord has answered our prayer that each allergy would only take one treatment, otherwise we would have to pay again for the same allergy.

She also said that we should start seeing some improvement since some of the major allergies have/are being removed. Of course we won't see a complete healing until all the allergies have been removed, but improvement is better than none.

If anyone you know is interested in trying out the clinic then they get 10% of their first visit if they mention Olivia's name (not Libby...I put her files under Olivia). As I bonus I get 10% too. Anyhow, my SIL (sister-in-law) made an appnt. for her cat allergy but hasn't gone in yet. I hope it works for her.

I can't believe we have already been going for a month. It has gone by fast though. I am excited to get these nuisances behind us. They can be really aggravating!!

Have a great week!!


Wendy said...

You are really a graceful woman saying your child's allergies, which put you in emotional, physical, and financial stress are (just) a nuisance! Libby and her brother have a wonderful, serving, generous, gracious momma. I'm glad I know her.