In my quest to save money, I began my cloth diapering journey last March. That was my foremost reason, although there are certainly other reasons to cloth diaper.
- I like the idea of not putting chemicals next to my baby's skin. Ever wonder why the disposables can hold so much? The chemicals in the diapers expand to hold more liquid. I do keep a package of disposables on hand to use at church or if I get behind in my laundering and you know what? I don't worry about it.
- Some babies are even allergic to different brands of disposables so finding the right brand can be difficult. You don't have that issue with cloth.
- They are easy to use, especially if you buy the pocket or all-in-one varieties. They come in awesome colors and different styles to suit your needs/pocketbook.
I currently use Haute (pronounced "oat") one size pocket diapers with Libby. They have a pocket in the back in which you stuff an insert into it. The adjustable snaps in the front allow you to adjust the rise from a newborn to 35 pounds, thus eliminating the need to buy more diapers as they grow. I also use disposables liners with every diaper that catches the poop. If they don't poop the liner gets thrown in with the soiled diaper and washed. There is no waste. Should they happen to poop simply flush the liner and no rinsing is required. I put the soiled diapers in a small trash can with a lid to help hold the smell in. I wash them twice a week, although depending on the number of diapers you have you may have to wash more often or less often. I have 16 diapers which seems to be a good number, but more is always good.
*Mine are snaps instead of Velcro
I also use Charlie's Soap to wash all my laundry. To keep the diaper's absorbency in tact, you need to wash them with an all natural detergent, otherwise with time, they will no longer absorb as much liquid. It's better to use the detergent with all your laundry to keep other detergent's residues left in the washer from getting on your cloths. The cost for Charlie's is actually cheaper than name brand detergents because it's highly concentrated only requiring 1/8 cup for each load.
This time around I have been researching other brands of cloths to use with our son. I like the pockets, but it still involves an extra step of stuffing with an insert. So, I found a one size all-in-one by Mommy's Touch that involves no stuffing, but will still grow with my baby. The insert is sewn in and comes with an extra snap on liner for the heavy wetters.
I have also researched other websites that offer that brand that is cheaper and Nicki's Diapers seem to be the place. I also purchased the Haute pockets from there as well. To purchase seconds or going-out-of-stock diapers check this site for awesome deals. I purchased one mommy's touch diaper from there last month just to try it out and I love it!! It was a brand new second, but I can't tell a difference between those and a new one. They also get great reviews.
For great reviews on cloth diapers, go here to see what other moms are saying.
I love cloth diapering. It's simple, cheaper than using disposables, and healthy for my baby. Yes, the up front cost is more, but the savings and benefits are lifelong.
We use the Mommy's Touch One Size Easy Clean... LOVE them! They are great. I am interested in trying something new with Ben just for fun and we can't possibly put him in Serene's pink ones anyway! =) So, I think I will look into the AIO's you were talking about.
Also, I have never seen the disposable liners... those are great. I think I will order some today!! Thanks for sharing the idea!
This is a very nice post, Jen. Colorful & informative :)
Just thought I'd add that if you do use a different detergent or get diapers used from someone who used a regular one, you can strip them. It's the buildup that causes them to repel, so getting that stripped off will do the trick. I know you know this, but thought your readers might want to know :)
Again, very nice post my friend.
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