Tuesday we took Libby for her one year heart checkup. Well, it actually was her 1 1/2 year checkup. She got an amazing report. She is doing so well. The patch is holding good, her EKG and ECHO were excellent. Dr. Siu doesn't want to see her again for two more years!! He even did an ECHO on Judah to see if his hole had closed up yet and it hadn't but it was still so small that he wasn't at all concerned. We will go back in January for his regular appointment.
Dr. Siu is simply the best doctor. He called us by name, remembered that we were Christians, and prayed with us before we left the room. Never ever had a doctor do that before. A true servant of the Lord that loves children.
We are praising the Lord for wonderful news and so grateful for His continued healing and new mercies every morning.
Oh, and another subject. I added a ton more songs to my playlist (at the bottom of the page) if you care to check them out. I also added some Christmas music for those who are indulging early. I am holding back until after Thanksgiving:) I will play the music while I'm working in the kitchen and I love it because there are no commercials and it's all the songs I like. Enjoy!!
There is also two mini sermons (it's what I call them), on the very bottom from John Piper and Mark Driscoll. Only 2-3 minutes a piece but well worth hearing. Check it out.
Back to the Philippines!
3 years ago
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