Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reality Hits

We are officially home from Cook's. It doesn't have an "e" on the end like I thought. This whole time I had been misspelling the word when it was right in my face for 6 days. Oh well!

The stay wasn't actually too bad. Just about the time I was starting to sleep better at night it was time to go home. We were able to rest some when she did without feeling guilty that we weren't being productive. There wasn't anything to do except eat, sleep, surf the net, watch T.V. and walk the floor. Joey and I would take turns going to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat for the both of us so we could get out and stretch our legs a bit. We definitely missed the fresh air and our daily walks together. Our room felt like you were living in the North Pole, but if you know us. it was great! Libby even had to sleep covered up, which never happens because it doesn't stay that cold at our house. We loved it and didn't have to pay the high electric bill to enjoy it.

The food was really good there, although it got old real quick eating the same things over and over again. It was nice to have a break from the kitchen and to be able to have anything at your disposal. We got really spoiled!! The only break we got from hospital food is when Josh and Candy brought us Chili's! Joey was sooo excited!

All the nurses and staff were so nice to us and sweet and gentle to Libby, although she probably didn't think so. The hospital and staff are definitely one-of-a-kind! We were very pleased with our stay even though the reasons for us being there weren't enjoyable.

Now, back to the title. When we got home we were confronted with the reality that it's back to life again for us. That's a two-edged sword so to speak. It was nice being home, but on the other hand we realized there were things to be done. We drove in the driveway with two big tree limbs half laying in the yard and the other half still attached to our half dead/half living, only shade tree in our whole yard Mimosa tree. We used to have four beautiful Mimosa trees until the fire killed three...that's another post for another day. Our screen door was severely mangled and bent, my honeysuckle trellis has been torn apart and now it's leaning. Somehow I have to figure out how to save the suckle all the while trying to fix my trellis. It's been through several rough windstorms and it's being held up by two fence posts already, so it's probably time to say good-bye. My garden looked droopy and neglected. We had lost a chicken to some hungry coyote or a chicken hawk. We are down to five of our chicks we bought a few months ago. We had ten to start with. When we woke up Tuesday morning, we had no water! The strange thing is we had water on Monday night, but when Joey went to check it out, there was water spewing everywhere in our pump house and the pipe had become disconnected. He worked on that for a little bit and finally got that fixed. He tried sawing the trees down only to discover that his chainsaw blade was dull and wouldn't cut hot butter. That will have to be for another day. He repaired the screen door as best as he could, but we need another one. The yard needs mowing, laundry caught up from our hospital stay, and the list goes on. Maybe it's time for another escape lol!

So, that's our life for the moment. Joey had to go back to work today so it was sad for me. I love it when he's home with us! I'm really not complaining, just stating facts! Home is good, but it's definitely nice to get away from all the responsibility sometimes even if it's at a hospital!


Wendy said...

I'm sorry you had such a mess waiting for you at home! I overheard a baseball mom saying you can just plant a strip of honeysuckle in the ground and it'll come up beautifully...mabye it's time to start some new honeysuckle around the yard? It'd be neat to look back later and remember the vines were planted after Libby's surgery. Great pictures by the way-she sure is a happy girl!