Tomorrow, the 22nd, Judah will be four months old. You know what that means? Baby cereal time. I can't believe it's already that time. I made homemade brown rice cereal for Libby and I am doing the same for Judah. I use my Whisper Mill grain grinder which is pictured below to grind the brown rice. It's cheaper and much healthier than the store bought kind. If you don't have a grain grinder you can use a blender. Blend how ever long you need to to make a powder.
Back to the Philippines!
3 years ago
Hey girl! Sweet pictures of your precious babies! Judah is getting so big.
Ben is 15 pounds and not sure about how tall he is. I didn't go to his 4 month... will wait until 6 months. He seems healthy and thriving though. We usually wait on solid foods until 8 - 9 months... So a few more months til we try that. I usually start with some avacados and bananas. Serene still LOVES those two foods. =)
How is Libby? She looks so grown up in that picture watching her brother eat his cereal! WOW, I can't believe she is such a big girl.
I am so glad that Halloween is over and we can celebrate a real holiday! I love Thanksgiving.
Again, your children are just precious!
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